Welsh version
School Workshops
Please note that this is not an online workshop. Our officers will visit your school to deliver a workshop!
Cardiff Council’s Waste Strategy Team are excited to be working with schools across Cardiff!
Our Waste Campaigns officers are available to deliver:
- in-class support workshops for using separated recycling collections,
- Welsh Government curriculum integrated springboard sessions for pupils to introduce the concept of sustainable lifestyles, at the different progression stages.
There are seven workshops to choose from, depending on your area of interest and the progression stage of your class. Before choosing the workshop you would like to book, please visit our website to read their content descriptions and what is required to deliver each workshop successfully.
School sessions with Cardiff Council Waste Management – Keep Cardiff Tidy
Remember all sessions are suitable for a maximum of 30 Children.
The team can deliver a maximum of two workshops (delivered back-to back) during your school visit.